
This sucks! or Now I am a Pirate!

 I have been having major foot pain.  MAJOR - it hurts to walk, to stand, to do anything.  The problem has been, that I've kept doing everything!  I'm pretty stubborn, as you will soon learn.   I have purchased everything I could find on amazon for Planter Factious.  I have bought reflexology mat, stretching socks, KT tape, multiple insoles.  They have helped reduce the pain, but they have not fixed it. I finally went to a pediatrist.  He sent me to massage therapy, the soft tissue (muscles? tendons? ligaments?) in my foot was so tight, he could do nothing with it until they were loosened.  So, after a few sessions of massage, my right foot was feeling better, my left was worse.  New he suspected a stress fracture.   Made an appointment with my family doctor.  X-rays showed Acute Planter Facetious  and calcification of my Achilles Tendon.  He said another word, but I can't remember.  I argued a little, said this wasn't the problem, it was bone not soft tissue - he disag

This is US

 I am married to a pretty awesome guy.  We met on Boxing Day 1999, right before Y2K, and the rest is history.  We've been married for almost 17 years and are still doing ok. I have two boys - I'll refer to them as 13 and 15.  First of all, they'd kill me if I identified them.  Secondly, I believe their age tells it all.  15 is getting ready to go to high school.  He has braces, his first girlfriend and doesn't know how amazing he is.  13 is finishing grade 7.  He is super bright, moody, an amazing athlete, and doesn't know how great he is or how lucky he is. We also have two dogs.  They drive hubby crazy.  They sit in the window and bark at everything.  White dog is the sweetest dog in the world.  Brown dog is weird.  White dog is 4 years old, brown dog is 2.  White dog is a trained agility dog, brown dog failed the beginner training level twice.  Brown dog eats everything and anything she can get her hands on!  White dog sleeps in bed with me everynight! Me - well

This Mom is drowning!

 My plate is full!  Actually it is overflowing. - I'm exhausted -I need a break -My house is disorganized -My teenager is not speaking to me -I'm fat -It's been raining for a week -This is supposed to be my vacation week, but there is no where to go How are you feeling?  What do you do when everything is coming down on you?   I'm hoping my writing will help.  I'm new to this, so stick around and enjoy my journey. Yesterday I went to @Chapters and picked up 3 books.  101 Ways to Happiness  ; The Joy of Mindful Journaling , Everyday Mindfulness  and a magazine about Depression.  Notice a trend here?  This is where my mind is right now, down - very down.  I'd like to say I'm not sure why, but I know why.  My plate is overflowing.  I can't keep up.   So, the message I have from these wonderful books, so far, is slow down.  Stop, breathe, remember the joy.   Last night, before I went to bed I thought about the Joy I felt yesterday - what made me feel good?  W

Today is the day!

  WELCOME! Welcome! Welcome! Today I write my first blog post, and I am pretty excited.  This has been on my to do list for a very long time.  Today is my day 1. Funny I wrote that 2 months ago.  Talk about procrastination.   I am married, mom of 2, teacher, administrator, Google Lover!  Here you will write about my life.  I am broke, trying to find a way to make some money on the side, I have a big debt to pay off.  Let's see how this goes.  I am also really tired of cooking.  I hate coming up with meals.